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Al Wroten, founder of Global Produce Sales

Watermelon farming as a multi-generational endeavor in Florida

Florida, known for its significant watermelon production, annually yields about a billion pounds of this fruit, largely due to the efforts of local farmers. Al Wroten, a fifth-generation Floridian and founder of Global Produce Sales, represents the longstanding tradition of agriculture in the state. Since its inception in 1982, Global Produce has been a family-operated entity, with Al's son, Lee, joining the business at 15, continuing the family's legacy into its sixth generation.

Global Produce is responsible for cultivating approximately 800 acres of seedless watermelon each season, targeting major grocery chains from the East Coast to Toronto. Despite the joy derived from positive consumer feedback, the Wroten family acknowledges the challenges faced in watermelon farming, including the unpredictability of weather, the threat of pests and diseases, and the potential for crop damage due to animals. Furthermore, the operation is subject to numerous federal and state regulations, amplifying the financial burden on the farm.

Al Wroten expresses concern over the sustainability of the family farm, citing increased labor costs and land development pressures as significant obstacles. Despite these challenges, the Wroten family remains dedicated to their craft, embodying the resilience of Florida farmers in the watermelon industry.


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