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National Onion Producers, Processors and Marketers Association of Nigeria

Nigerian onion association announces expansion plans

The National Onion Producers, Processors and Marketers Association of Nigeria (NOPPMAN) has detailed its strategy for expansion and rebranding to bolster the onion sector's production, processing, and market presence both within Nigeria and internationally. At its 4th National Executive Council meeting in Abuja, NOPPMAN's president, Aliyu Maitasamu Isah, disclosed plans to partner with private entities for the creation of onion processing companies, aiming to enhance market share. Isah revealed anticipation for the debut of their processed onion brand later this year.

Isah shared that NOPPMAN intends to channel significant investment into its Sokoto facility, estimating the investment at 5 million US dollars, to elevate onion production capabilities. The objective includes generating 1,000 tons of onions, relying on substantial government support for access to credit facilities. Isah also mentioned a focus on modernizing packaging and expanding production and storage facilities to reduce post-harvest losses, advocating for government-provided processing machines to aid youth and women in the industry.


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