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Ukrainian farmers in the Kherson region expand watermelon cultivation areas

Dmytro Butriy, the first deputy head of the Kherson Regional State Administration for economic affairs, has announced the continuation of land demining operations in the region. According to the latest data, army sappers have successfully surveyed and demined 47% of the territory, but approximately 270,000 hectares remain contaminated with Russian explosive devices.

While sappers continue their crucial work, farmers in the Kherson region are actively engaged in agricultural activities. According to available information, they have already planted potatoes and vegetables in an area of over 1200 hectares.

Of particular note is the expansion of land allocated for watermelon cultivation this year. In contrast to the previous season, when watermelons were grown on a mere 200 hectares, it is anticipated to be planted on a total of 1000 hectares this season.


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