Under the regulations set by China's General Administration of Customs and the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile, specific Chilean almond products are now eligible for import into China. These products must originate from Prunus dulcis seeds, cultivated in Chile and processed within the country for food or food processing uses. Eligible products include hulled almonds in various forms and almond powder, produced through processes such as sorting, hulling, fumigation, cleaning, drying, screening, cutting, or crushing.
Moreover, these almond products must adhere to China's food safety laws and national standards. Additionally, they should originate from orchards free of certain plant viruses and pests, including the Plum pox virus 0 strain and others, with certification from Chilean authorities confirming compliance with phytosanitary and food safety standards. The products must be free from quarantine pests significant to China, live insects, insect eggs, soil, weed seeds, plant residues, gravel, metal, and other impurities.
Click here to read the full list.
Source: foodgacc.com