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Opportunities for tree nut exports to Brazil

Brazilian nut market is showing promising growth

The nut market in Brazil is showing promising growth, particularly driven by increasing consumer focus on health and lifestyle. The demand for nutritious nuts like walnuts, pistachios, and almonds, which are not produced domestically, is rising. Therefore, this report provides an analysis of the tree nuts market in Brazil, emphasizing the growth driven by a shift towards healthier lifestyles and an increasing demand for tree nuts. The overview includes an examination of current market conditions, opportunities, challenges including regulatory and competitive landscapes, trade analysis with, and a look into the consumer insights and distribution channels.

Tree nuts market overview
Brazil is a major producer of four of the eight most consumed nuts worldwide. These include Brazil nuts, cashews, pecans, and macadamia nuts, with yearly production volumes estimated at 38,000 tons, 147,000 tons, 5,000 tons, and 1,100 tons, respectively. Although technically legumes, peanuts are widely consumed as nuts in various forms. It's noteworthy that Brazil produces approximately 960,000 tons of peanuts, with estimates indicating continued increases in production. Brazil is an important exporter of some of those nuts worldwide. Therefore, Brazil is self-sufficient in meeting its domestic demand for these products, eliminating the need for imports of these varieties. However, for pistachios, walnuts, and almonds, Brazil does not produce these nuts domestically or in relevant commercial quantities and relies heavily on imports to meet demand. In addition, the appeal of these nuts, known for their health benefits and versatility in various culinary applications, positions them as attractive options for Brazilian importers looking to cater to the growing demand for premium food choices.

Consumers primarily buy these products from retail stores (47 percent) and specialty stores (31 percent). In supermarkets, these items are typically available individually within each category or mixed alongside other types of nuts. Packaged product corresponds to 77 percent of retail sales in Brazil. Meanwhile, specialty stores often sell them by weight. Although consumer preference may vary from one region to another, cashew and Brazil nuts can be considered the most common for Brazilian consumers. It is worth mentioning that the Southeast region, which includes the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, accounts for the lion's share of retail sales and total number of stores. As the powerhouse of the Brazilian economy, São Paulo represents approximately 30 percent of the country's wealth.

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