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Port of Greenock in Scotland completes £750,000 upgrade for cold cargo

The Port of Greenock in Scotland has finalized a £750,000 enhancement aimed at augmenting its refrigerated containment capabilities, with the objective of becoming a premier hub for cold cargo. Peel Ports, the entity behind this initiative, has expanded the number of reefer points at the export terminal from 32 to 220. This development is poised to aid Scottish exporters of perishable goods by facilitating easier access to global markets. The upgrade is expected to directly benefit the export of seed potatoes, fruit and vegetables, and more.

Additionally, the investment will advantage manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, the agriculture sector, and other industries handling temperature-sensitive commodities. The improvements include the installation of a new substation, construction of new reefer gantries, and enhancement of existing facilities. This expansion of reefer points infrastructure is anticipated to offer various benefits, such as alternative market routes, increased export volume capacity, and a reduction in carbon emissions by eliminating the need for diesel generators.

Jim McSporran, Port Director at Peel Ports Clydeport, highlighted the investment's alignment with the port's commitment to providing top-tier facilities to meet customer needs in Scotland. Craig Scrimgeour, Scotland Director at Drac Logistics, also expressed optimism regarding the upgrade's impact on the storage, transfer capabilities, and global market access for companies involved in the import and export of perishable foods.


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