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The fair dedicated to the leading sector in Latin America

"We're in Colombia to promote our extraction systems for avocado oil"

"Colombia is one of the countries that is most receptive of novelties. The production of avocados has in fact tripled over the past few years. The fact that hectares are increasing also means that waste is increasing, i.e. those fruits not suitable to be exported due to their grades, aesthetic defects or to their being overripe," reports Riccardo Stillavati, engineer and export manager at Amenduni Nicola Spa. He will attend the fifth edition of Territorio Aguacate 2023 (to be held on November 29-30 in Medellin (Colombia), Plaza Mayor), a fair entirely dedicated to the avocado chain that gathers over 130 exhibitors from over 10 countries.

The company has been manufacturing and commercializing extraction systems for avocado oil - both raw and extra-virgin - for almost 20 years.

"Many producers will get the chance to turn their waste, which used to represent a cost, into further profit thanks to transformation. The price of avocado oil is once again increasing this year due to various factor, which makes investing into this segment all the more interesting."

Amenduni enjoys an excellent reputation in America Latina as well as in Europe, Africa and Oceania. "Colombia is one of our main commercial partners. At the moment, most of the avocado oil produced worldwide is extracted using our machinery. We are attending the Territorio Aguacate fair not so much to self-promote, but to illustrate the new solutions capable of transforming avocado waste into added value."

Amenduni Nicola Spa will attend Territorio Aguacate 2023 (November 29-30) Stand 41-42-43.

For further information:
Amenduni Spa
Via delle Mimose, 3
70026 Modugno BA
+39 080 531 4910
[email protected]
[email protected]