The incumbent president Georg Kössler was confirmed in his office unanimously. Harald Weis was again appointed Vice President. Friedrich Karl Alber, Otmar Clementi, Johann Gasser, Thomas Gruber, Andreas Gschleier, Urban von Klebelsberg, Markus Pircher, Johannes Runggaldier, Manuel Santer and Markus Stocker were elected as further members of the 13-strong board. Stefan Sandrini was elected as external auditor and board member.
At the VOG plenary meeting, President Georg Kössler presented the results of the past marketing season, which proved to be extremely difficult.
For more information:
Consortium of South Tyrolean
Fruit Growers Cooperatives coop. soc. agr.
Jakobistraße 1/a
39018 Terlano, South Tyrol
Tel. +39 0471 256 700
Fax +39 0471 256 699
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