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Guilhem Flammen, Greenery France:

Tomatoes: large supply in the face of low demand

The tomato market in France is quite heterogeneous at the moment. The campaign of the North-European origins is now coming to an end, and the southern origins are arriving on the market. At the moment, we can find French, Belgian, and Dutch tomatoes, as well as the first tomatoes of the new French campaign and the first shipments from Morocco, Spain, and Türkiye.

“The increase in energy costs have slowed down this year’s plantings in northern Europe. Southern Europe had already anticipated and planted more to be able to meet this winter’s tomato demand. It remains to be seen if consumption will increase, but for the moment, sales are very calm,” explains Guilhem Flammen, director of Greenery France. “With all these origins present on the market, the offer is too large and faces a consumption that is very low, which destabilizes the market. We also notice that finances are tight at the end of the month, which is especially felt in the fruit and vegetable sector. This decline in consumption can be linked to the season but also to inflation and a general atmosphere that is not favorable for consumption. This instability is causing prices to drop.” 

The market is also heterogeneous in terms of quality because the campaigns are overlapping while sales are not very fluid. “This situation is likely to last for another 2 to 3 weeks. We then hope that in January, the tomato market will regain some balance.”

For more information: 
Guilhem Flammen
Greenery France
[email protected]