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OctoFrost closes 2018 with gratitude and optimism

As 2018 comes to an end, OctoFrost, the globally recognized supplier of IQF Processing Solutions, looks back with gratitude and optimism for 2019. This year has been a true journey for OctoFrost and has brought the company a number of achievements, which have been reached due to customers’ trust and reliability of their partners.

"OctoFrost has managed to expand its production facility by the closing of 2018. This makes it possible to increase production capacity in the years to come," says Svetlana Plotean, marketing manager for OctoFrost. "But production facility expansion is not the only dimension of growth for OctoFrost – processors from new countries such as Sudan and South Korea have joined the map of happy OctoFrost owners."

New Applications
"As the demand for new IQF products emerge on the frozen market, OctoFrost is expanding its range of applications with IQF spinach being the newest addition. Even if some of the company’s customers have been already freezing this new, trending product, in 2018 OctoFrost has sold in Asia its first full IQF Processing Line dedicated to IQF spinach, the first of its kind globally." says Plotean. 

Conquest of Asia
"In 2018, Asian food processors have shown significant trust in the OctoFrost IQF Processing Lines with multiple lines to be installed on the continent. The trust derives from numerous positive claims for the efficient OctoFrost machinery, especially for the OctoFrost IF shrimp cooker among shrimp processors. 2019 is expected to bring more innovations in the OctoFrost IQF Processing Solutions, new geographical conquests and of course even more happy customers and partners."

"During the holiday season, the OctoFrost team turns its thoughts gratefully to those who have made our success possible in 2018. It is in this spirit that we say thank you and wish everyone a very Happy Holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year 2019!" Plotean concludes.

For more information:
Svetlana Plotean
OctoFrost Group
Mobile: +46 (0) 7600 600 81
Email: [email protected] 

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