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Jordan obstructs Syrian trucks on their way to Saudi Arabia

Jordan has been implementing procedures that delay the entry of Syrian trucks through the Nassib-Jaber crossing, aiming to route them towards Saudi Arabia. This has resulted in the spoilage of goods, a decline in their quality, and increased costs for exporters.

Mohammad al-Aqqad, a member of the Damascus-based Traders and Exporters of Vegetables and Fruits Committee, highlighted that the movement of Syrian trucks is being hindered, which benefits Jordanian products at the expense of Syrian goods. Al-Aqqad pointed out that Syrian trucks are forced to wait for up to 15 days for Jordanian approval, doubling the freight cost for a refrigerator truck to about eight thousand dollars.

Riyad al-Sarifi, head of the Syrian Association for Freight Forwarding and Logistics, noted deliberate delays at the Nassib-Jaber crossing, with up to 700 Syrian trucks waiting at times. The Syrian Federation of International Freight Forwarders reported spoilage in 150 Syrian trucks over a month and a half due to these delays.


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