Khaled Hunaifat, the Minister of Agriculture of Jordan, reported a 25.3 percent increase in national agricultural exports, reaching half a billion Jordanian dinars by the end of May, in comparison to the same timeframe in 2023. The surge in exports is notably reflected in the fruits and vegetables sector, with a 22.3 percent increase in value to JD125.5 million from the start of the year to the same period in 2023. This growth is underpinned by a 32 percent rise in the total exports of fruits and vegetables, amounting to 178,000 tons.
Vegetable exports alone saw a 19 percent value increase, with the total export volume reaching 130,000 tons, marking a 27 percent increase. Meanwhile, fruit exports experienced a 29.5 percent value increase, with export volume hitting 48,000 tons, a 48 percent rise compared to 2023.
[ JD1 = €1.29 ]