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Graham Povey - Premier Foods Wholesale

"We offer avocados at four different stages of ripeness; not everyone wants the same avocado"

A new avocado brand has just hit the market: Jameela, which means 'beautiful' in Arabic. The brand has been launched by Premier Foods Wholesale.

"We are importing avocados from Peru, only premium, class 1 avocados go into the Jameela boxes," explains Graham Povey from Premier Foods. "These are purely for the UK market but we look to push Jameela into the world market soon. We've noticed that people in the UK have fixed price contracts, so it can be tricky initially to get into it here."

The Peruvian season will be ending soon and Graham said due to the situation in the Red Sea, changing over to African supply would be difficult so they are looking at other sources in South America.

"The brand has only been on the market for a very short time. At the moment we are bringing in one container per week, but we will up this to two per week very soon. We are going mainly into food service and wholesalers. We offer avocados at four different stages of ripeness. Not everyone wants the same avocado, some want ready to eat, some want avocados which will last for longer, so we can offer customers the choice, being a bespoke avocado supplier."

For more information:
Graham Povey
Premier Foods Wholesale
Tel: +44 207 720 9012
M: +44 7506 423538
[email protected]