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Andreas Pregartner from the Fair Fruit Group on this year's stone fruit harvest:

Hungarian apricot season kicks off earlier than ever before!

The European stone fruit harvest is now approaching its peak. "We are starting with the first Hungarian apricots in week 22, earlier than ever before!" enthuses Andreas Pregartner from the Fair Fruit Group. The internationally operating company, with production facilities in Austria, Germany, Hungary, and on the Iberian Peninsula, is offering early varieties Lilly Cot, Tsunami, and Colorado at the start of the season in Hungary. "Apart from minimal harvest losses, we are expecting an overall good apricot harvest in Hungary, as there has been little rainfall and late frost."

Meanwhile, the early stone fruit harvest in the hinterland of Murcia is drawing to a close. Pregartner: "We were able to start with the first early varieties on April 25 and are now gradually moving into the apricot harvest in the higher elevations at 500 to 900 meters above sea level. Here too, we are expecting good yields and Brix values as well as large-caliber fruits. For peaches and nectarines, however, the fruit sizes have been five millimeters smaller compared to last year, which is due to the lack of rainfall. Furthermore, the stone fruits have overall fared well through the relatively early bloom, as there have been consistent daytime temperatures below 30 degrees, which is actually optimal for the growth of stone fruits."

Andreas Pregartner and Pascal Felley from the Fair Fruit Group at the Hungarian joint stand during this year's Fruit Logistica in Berlin.

In the Portuguese growing region of Alentejo, the stone fruit harvest has also been in full swing for three weeks and is expected to last until the end of June. Here too, according to Pregartner, an average harvest is available, as a small part has been damaged by hail. The product range of the Fair Fruit Group is rounded off later in the season by apricots from Germany and Austria. "In Germany, part of the apricot stocks fell victim to frost. In Austria, there have also been weather-related losses, and the total yield will be somewhat lower compared to last year. We are now hoping for stable weather throughout the entire Central European area," says Pregartner.

The stone fruit from its own cultivation is primarily marketed in Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, as well as in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. "We have been able to gradually expand our position in the retail sector over the past few years. Due to the programs and listings already agreed upon, the quantity is continuously moving away. Since we are less active in the free market, supply and demand are roughly in balance for us, which is reflected in a balanced market situation."

The PinkCot variety in Hungary.

Challenges in stone fruit cultivation
Overall, the team at the Fair Fruit Group looks to the future with confidence, although there are still certain challenges to overcome. "We are particularly concerned about the weather extremes in Central Europe. Within our corporate group, we are investing especially in variety innovations, so that we can continue to offer the trade as consistent quantities and qualities as possible in the future. On the Iberian Peninsula, the issue of water is certainly on everyone's lips. Fortunately, we have this quite well under control in our contract cultivation."

Images: Fair Fruit Group

For more information:
Andreas Pregartner
Fair Fruit Group
T: +43 664 3122040
[email protected]

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