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Week 21 Fruit Wholesale Market Report

Chilean seedless grapes are in good demand, and American cherries have arrived in small quantities

A small amount of California cherries has entered the market, along with Xinjiang apricots, which were launched last week. End-of-season imported fruits include Chilean grapes and plums, with Chilean seedless red grapes priced higher than in the same period last year.

Currently, there are not many air-shipped cherries from the United States, and fewer merchants are selling them. Some merchants mentioned that the current prices are high, and they might start selling in one to two weeks. The earliest batch of 5KG products arrived at about ¥1,000 per piece, gradually dropping to ¥850-900 per piece. Some of the more ripened batches sold for about ¥700.

California cherries

The imported grape season is nearing its end. Chilean seedless red grapes have the best prices and sales at present. Due to the low supply at the end of the season, the price of large-box, high-quality products is nearly half of last year's price, around ¥300 per piece. Even lower-quality batches are priced higher than last year. Merchants attribute the price increase to limited supply, with recent prices close to the start of last year's production season.

In terms of imported apples, there are still few arrivals of New Zealand Gala apples, with prices exceeding ¥300 per box. Merchants expect this price to be maintained longer than in previous years. South African Gala apples follow this trend, also selling for over ¥300 per box. Despite the high prices of imported Gala and high-quality domestic apples, overall sales are acceptable.

A6 and A7 Thailand Monthong durians

The market for imported durians is generally stable. Prices rose slightly in the first half of the week due to reduced arrivals but fell back later. Currently, A6 Thai Monthong durians are priced at ¥760-¥800 per piece, and A7 at about ¥760 per piece. Merchants have recently favored A7s, which are smaller and slightly cheaper, boosting sales. Durians from eastern Thailand are nearing the end of the season, with smaller output and less stable quality in recent arrivals. Vietnam Kanyao prices remain stable, with Monthong arriving in small quantities.

Left: Peruvian avocados; Right: Chilean Red Lyon plums

The arrival of all types of Peruvian avocados has increased, narrowing the price difference between #20 and #22 sizes. Overall prices are about 15% lower than two weeks ago.

Chilean Red Lyon plums are at the end of their season. Due to low arrivals this year, prices are about 15% higher than in previous years, leading to slower sales.

Xinjiang hairy apricots and small white apricots

The Xinjiang apricot season has begun, with hairy apricots and small white apricots now on the market, priced slightly lower than last week. Fujian bayberry has also been introduced to the market, with sales currently slow.

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