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Kazakhstan PM orders completion of fresh vegetable contracts to stabilize prices

On May 18 at a government meeting led by Deputy Prime Minister Serik Zhumangarin, the pricing of socially significant food products was reviewed.

For the third consecutive week, the average price index for essential food items has remained stable, with a year-to-date increase of just 0.3% as of May 14.

Over the past week, cabbage prices nationwide fell by 3.6%, while prices for carrots, potatoes, and onions saw slight increases. In the Turkestan region, the first cabbage harvest continues, with farm prices starting at 0.04 euro per kg. First Vice Minister of Trade and Integration noted that demand for fresh harvests from other regions is very low. Currently, the average retail price for cabbage is 0.32 euros per kg. The Ministry of Trade and Integration has urged other regions to purchase fresh vegetables from Turkestan.

This weekend, the first batches of young onions imported from Uzbekistan will arrive, priced at 0.13–0.15 euros per kg. Initial shipments will go to the West Kazakhstan, Kostanay, and Kyzylorda regions. To date, only 10 regions have requested these imports.

"All regional administrations must complete contracts for the fresh harvest within the next week, whether from imports or local producers, to stabilize vegetable prices," concluded Serik Zhumangarin at the meeting.


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