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XXXI International Blueberry Seminar to focus on key industry aspects and producer challenges

The Mexican berry sector, including blueberries, has seen a notable increase in its international market share, attributed to the quality of its produce and agricultural practices. This has elevated Mexico to a leading position in the worldwide market.

The XXXI International Blueberry Seminar, scheduled for June 5 and 6 at the Hard Rock Hotel in Guadalajara, will focus on key industry aspects and producer challenges. The event will feature presentations by 17 experts from Mexico and abroad on topics ranging from pest and disease management to financing for new ventures, analysis of new genetics, and strategies to mitigate climate change impacts.

During the seminar's opening, Aneberries' director, Juan José Flores, will present an analysis of the 2023/2024 season, discussing volumes, regions, and the commercial footprint of Mexican berries. Ricardo Márquez, commercial manager at Fall Creek México, will follow with an update on the Mexican blueberry market, covering production, marketing, and the influence of new genetic developments on the industry.

The seminar will also address the challenges of industry growth, such as the need for new plant varieties, advanced management systems, improved irrigation technologies, efficient nutrition, and enhanced pest and disease control. Additionally, it will explore market realities, financing alternatives, and funding for existing and new berry production projects.


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