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Sakata confirms the resistance of its spinach to the new downy mildew strain

Downy mildew (Peronospora effusa) is one of the most common fungal diseases affecting spinach. It can cause significant damage, especially during the spring and autumn seasons. This fungus continues to evolve, and new strains able to affect commercial varieties continue to appear worldwide.

The International Working Group on Peronospora in spinach (IWGP), of which Sakata is a member, has recently identified a new mildew strain, Pe: 20, which adds to the previously known 19 strains (Pe: 1-19). All new Sakata material, in addition to some older varieties, like Apollo, Soyuz, Sputnik or Helios, incorporates resistance to this new strain. Some of the most outstanding new varieties that have shown resistance to Pe: 20 are the Jaspe and Peridot, recommended for summer, and the Turandot and Figaro, recommended for spring-autumn.

This confirms Sakata's commitment to the development of new spinach varieties that meet all the requirements demanded by producers and the market. Sakata's goal is to provide effective and sustainable solutions through plant improvement to ensure the quality and yield of crops. The resistance of these varieties to the new mildew strain not only ensures the stability of the crop, but also peace of mind for the producers, who are facing challenges in an ever-changing environment due to the impact of pests and problems linked to climate change.

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