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The PGI Sicilian blood orange season has started

The commercialization of Arancia Rossa di Sicilia IGP, the Sicilian citrus fruit known all over the world of its organoleptic and nutritional qualities, started on December 19th. The fruits will reach the Italian tables already at Christmas thanks to the climate generated by Mount Etna, which influences the ripening of Sicilian blood oranges. 

Gerardo Diana, president of Consorzio di tutela dell'Arancia Rossa Igp. Mount Etna is in the background.

To celebrate the start of the season, consortium president Gerardo Diana climbed Mount Etna on foot from Rifugio Sapienza (1910 m asl) with a small batch of Moro oranges.

"We often mention Mount Etna as an essential natural element for the ripening of Sicilian blood oranges. This year, I wanted to pay homage to this great volcano on behalf of the whole consortium as it is thanks to its sudden and unexpected temperature changes that our oranges develop their color. We work for nine long months to achieve perfect fruits but, without the help of nature, everything would be done in vain. With this symbolic gesture, which I hope will become a tradition, I wanted to thank Mount Etna and repay its positive influx by sharing images of its unparalleled beauty.".

"The most active volcano in Europe boasts breathtaking trails and landscapes. The climb is healthy and beautiful, especially if accompanied by our oranges."

PGI Sicilian blood oranges are among the top 5 fresh products most appreciated in Italy. The Moro type is the first to become available, but the season will peak in January with Tarocco and end in the spring with the sweet Sanguinello variety. 

Consorzio Arancia Rossa di Sicilia IGP in figures
Over 400 producers form part of the consortium as well as 62 packagers and 3 intermediaries. 270 labels are authorized to use the PGI mark as they use blood oranges as an ingredient. 30 thousand tons were sold during the 2021/22, worth €40 million. This is a significant amount considering the produce is only available 4 months a year. The hectares registered are 6 thousand and the consortium deals with farsighted producers and entrepreneurs who recognize the importance of local productions and of following specifications. The objective is to look beyond the present and focus on lasting agriculture and development.