Demand for persimmons is constant and prices are reasonable and please the various links of the chain - Apofruit sales manager Mirko Zanelli reports that the 2022 persimmon campaign is 'rather good'.
"We have higher volumes of Tipo persimmons compared to one year ago, while we are below our potential when it comes to Rosso Brillante. Anyway our campaign reached 2300 tons with excellent quality produce. Grades are not huge, but they are good overall. Our producers and technicians implement all the agronomic measures necessary to obtain large grades, however the weather has not always helped this year."
Mirco Zanelli
Sales picked up a couple of weeks ago. "If they go on like this, we will have finished all the produce within mid-December. The campaign is instead almost over for Rosso Brillante, as demand is high and availability is low."
This demand for Italian persimmons from all over Europe is also partly due to the lack of Spanish produce. The fact that quality is high is further pushing sales.
"We sell Tipo persimmons to Switzerland, Austria and southern Germany while the market is more continental for firm-fleshed fruits. We also commercialized around one hundred tons of Maxim persimmons, which enabled us to start the campaign early as harvesting started in late September."
25% of the total is organic persimmons, sold either under the Almaverde Bio or distributor brands.
"Price hikes have affected persimmons as well. Ripening and detanning products are lacking and they are expensive. Despite the more than satisfactory sales prices, margins are eroded by the higher expenses."
For further information
Gruppo Apofruit
Viale della Cooperazione, 400
Cesena - Italy
+39 0547 414111