After the official presentation at EIMA in Bologna, Checchi&Magli has officially started the commercialization of the new QUBIK transplanter. The machine, designed for a highly-professional use, enables an increased productivity when transplanting pressed cubes and, on the Italian market, it meets the principles of agriculture 4.0 with an innovative system called Smart Performance Control, already available on the Trium and Dual 12 Gold models.
"We are mainly talking about salad destined to the big retail chain market, which is increasingly demanding when it comes to product quality and supply times. Tests and demonstrations have been carried out in various parts of Italy and the world. The machine performed excellently, pleasing clients. We already have various orders, which will be delivered in the spring of 2022, a confirmation of just how much the market was waiting for an efficient product such as the new QUBIK," reports Claudio Zarri, sales manager at Checchi & Magli.
The new machine is equipped with a farmflex front roller to ready and level the soil. All units feature a plow with guards to prevent the soil from entering the transplant area. Specific stainless steel wheels further level the planting area and the rear tamper plows accumulate the soil for improved rooting.
Electro-pneumatic grippers place the cubes on the ground. Each conveyors features an adjustable guide measuring between 3.2 and 5 cm. The transplant depth is regulated by line actuators, which enable excellent adaptation to the soil. To maintain the depth constant, the machine can be equipped with a sensor (optional).
In addition, a multi-function digital panel to control the parameters completes the equipment range, as well as other extras such as climate covers and side closable platforms to place crates.
QUBIK is available in the two and eight row version. The distance between rows can be adjusted with a crank (optional) from a minimum of 23 cm and that between plants from a minimum of 5 cm, with an indicative production of up to 7,200 plants/hour per row.
QUBIK can also work at a low temperature thanks to solenoid valves and pneumatic cylinders designed to operate even at -10°C.
Another feature - which can be installed on tractors between 65 and 100 horses - is the Smart Performance Control (SPC), a 4.0 optional system that enables the remote monitoring of performances as well as any anomalies, and it also provides information as regards planned maintenance intervals.
"QUBIK is available in Italy as well as in all other foreign countries that use pressed cubes," explains Federico Sannini, Marketing and Communications manager at Checchi & Magli.
For further information:
Via Guizzardi 38, 40054
Budrio (Bologna) - Italy
+39 051 800253
[email protected]