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Greenhouse tutor system helps save money

The proverb "time is money" perfectly synthesizes the concept behind the work necessary to perform tutoring operations in a greenhouse. During this step, a patented system that facilitates the tying of plants, thus saving on execution times, is extremely necessary. Ideal Tutor, patented by SIA Sicilia Group, is raising a lot of interest among producers precisely because it means saving on labor costs.

Alessandro Avarino  

"These past few months, characterized by the difficulty in finding personnel, have highlighted the effectiveness of our tutoring systems. Producers have witnessed not only the technical reliability of our Ideal Tutor, but also the actual savings it leads to by reducing work hours and guaranteeing the correct tying of plants," explains Alessandro Avarino, administrator of SIA Sicilia Group.

Plants in greenhouses are usually supported using nylon threads, to which they are hooked. Said practice is necessary to ensure an even development of plants, but it requires a lot of labor with significant production costs. What is more, these practices are often performed in an approximate manner, meaning threads require repeated interventions to stabilize them that are a pure waste of time."

Details of the tutor system 

"Our solution avoids time-consuming activities that affect the progression of crop processes. What is more, it improves work conditions as workers do not have to spend hours in uncomfortable positions." 

Ideal Tutor is made up of a structure with polyethylene threads that can be used to tie popular crops such as tomatoes, eggplants, bell peppers, etc. The system is very versatile and industrially-assembled starting with the nylon threads. It is supplied in a vast assortment of options when it comes to thread size, distance between vertical threads with respect to planting distances, etc. 

There is also a wide assortment of hooks - simple of multiple. The system is equipped with reels to predetermine the total height and distance between threads, it is then fixed via hooks.

Details of the tutoring system

In order to better meet the needs in crops where plant growth is permanent, Ideal Tutor Dinamico is available. It is essentially the same solution, but it is equipped with a modular system that can be adjusted to pass from 30 to 60 cm per module. The operation can be performed up to three times, meaning the crop can grow a further 90-180 cm. 

This way, plant life is extended increasing productivity without having to bear the considerable cost of re-planting the crop.

SIA Sicilia Group 
Via XXV Aprile, 42
97019 Vittoria - IT
Tel.: +39 3345837641
Email: [email protected]

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