Envy™, the apple that revolutionized the markets in previous campaigns for its unmistakable organoleptic characteristics: white and crispy pulp, uniform red skin and spectacular flavor, is back on Spanish shelves following the start of the domestic and Italian harvests.
The Envy™ is achieving exponential growth with every campaign, mostly thanks to its undisputed qualities. These have been shown in sensory research studies, such as the one carried out in early 2019, in which the taste, crunchiness, appearance and general perception were assessed by US consumers for a number of different varieties, namely the Honey Crisp, Gala, Fuji, Ambrosia and Envy™. The study concluded that consumers are very willing to purchase Envy™ apples, and that they will also pay more for it than for other apples, which shows the superiority of the product.
As regards the newly launched European campaign, all European partners agree that the quality of the apple is exceptional. “We expect great results with the 2019/2020 harvest, following those achieved last year,” says Klaus Hölzl, sales director of the VOG Consortium. “The Envy™ still has great growth potential and the appreciation shown by consumers is a testament to this. Spain is an important market for VOG. We want to continue collaborating with our clients, who have shown loyalty and trust in us, keeping a constant flow of orders over the years. With the Envy™, we are certainly offering a successful club apple.”
For his part, Fabio Zanesco, commercial director of the VI.P Consortium, says that “on a commercial level, the Envy™ is giving us a lot of satisfaction, with an extraordinary start of the season once again. Therefore, in the coming weeks, we will need to sort more fruit than we had originally planned. Our 2019 Envy™ harvest has stood at 1,750 tons; a little smaller than planned, but in any case, the entry into production of the new plantations will guarantee the necessary supply of high quality fruit to meet the demand in the most important markets.”
Lastly, the Spanish partner NUFRI, which has a plantation in the municipality of El Burgo de Osma, Soria, said that “we are starting the campaign with enthusiasm, since we are supplying the market with Envy™ apples of an exceptional quality. This year, we have excellent fruit thanks to the weather conditions recorded last spring. The fruit thus stands out in terms of flavor, crunchiness, aroma and color, providing a magnificent experience with every bite,” says Jacky Feniello, commercial director of NUFRI SAT.
This campaign is attractive due to the quality of the product, which makes Envy™ the most irresistible apple on the market, and also to the implementation of the ambitious B2B-B2C action plan. The brand's promotion will be carried out on store shelves and in central markets, and there will even be a set of activities organized at the Baqueira-Beret ski resort, where it will be the only apple available in the coming weeks. Product tastings will also be carried out during the first weekend of February. All this will be done with the clear objective of making the brand more recognizable for the consumer.
For more information:
Ctra. el Palau, Km 1, 25230 Mollerusa. Spain
Tel.: +34 973 600229
[email protected]