Renzo Lazzarin, Isi Sementi marketing manager, was at the fair at the company’s stand. He shared his ideas regarding supply chains, "They are no longer linear, they are circular. They do not have a beginning or an end. For instance, are seeds the beginning and the market’s needs the end? Or do they overlap?"
Lazzarin stated, “We should look at the supply chain in a different way, especially in relation to one’s own working sector. In our case, the farmer is at the centre of a circular supply chain. Whereas from the standpoint of the people selling the produce, the consumer is at the centre. We must satisfy the market’s needs and every ring of the chain must spread its culture and values to the other players within the supply chains”.
For several years, Isi has been conducting researches following this philosophy. “We do not force projects, but rather we build the research together with the world of production. The collaboration must be complete in order to achieve the goal while at the same time following the inputs given by the producers and by the consumers. We also want to spread the concept of the importance of promoting the ‘different’ produce – which stands out from the mass of the commodities. The taste, the colour and the texture are the three most important parameters that we want our consumer to understand.
Isi generated a lot of interest in Madrid. The company hired a young chef who cooked meals using the produce by Isi Sementi in order to show to the fair attendees the goodness of these vegetables.
ISI Sementi SpA
Frazione Ponte Ghiara, 8/a
43036 Fidenza (PR)
Tel.: (+39) 0524 528439
Fax: (+39) 0524 524255
Email: [email protected]