In New Zealand, the price of celery has undergone a notable decrease, falling by 56% compared to the previous year, as reported by the Stats NZ Food Price Index for July. This drop is attributed to the rebound in supply following last year's reduced availability due to cyclonic events and adverse weather conditions impacting many locally grown vegetables.
Justin Dykhoff, Foodstuffs South Island Produce Manager, noted the recovery in celery availability, with whole celery bunches now more commonly purchased than the previous year, when consumers often opted for halves due to scarcity. "Volume has returned and that's being reflected in the value we are seeing, with in some cases a whole bunch is now cheaper than a half was last year," he commented.
Celery, which is cultivated throughout the year, preferring moist and slightly acidic soil conditions, has seen a resurgence in supply. Wayne Wycherley, owner of Rangeview Produce in Oamaru and supplier to Foodstuffs South Island's outlets, highlighted the optimal growing conditions experienced over the summer, with ample sunlight and rainfall contributing to the flourishing of celery plants. "The quality is not only amazing, but there's great value for Kiwis too," Wycherley stated.
Source: Food Stuffs