In Bhubaneswar, the cost of onions has escalated to Rs 50 per kg, marking a notable increase from the previous week's prices, which were already 15-20% higher. This surge is primarily due to the heavy rains that have disrupted the supply chain, resulting in a scarcity of onions and other vegetables. Santa Swain, a local resident, noted the price jump from Rs 40 to Rs 50 per kg within a week, anticipating a further rise in demand with the conclusion of the month of Shravan.
The transportation of vegetables, including onions from neighbouring states, has been significantly affected by the rainfall, as pointed out by local traders and Debendra Sahu, secretary of the Chhatra Bazaar Traders' Association in Cuttack. This situation has also impacted the celebration of festivals, with Mousumi Mohanty highlighting the challenge of managing kitchen budgets due to the high prices of kitchen essentials. Additionally, there is concern over a potential fresh crisis as distributors in West Bengal have threatened to strike, affecting the supply of potatoes to Odisha, according to Sudhakar Panda, secretary of the Odisha Traders' Association.
[ Rs 100 = €1.10 ]