PSB Producción Vegetal is currently one of the main stone fruit breeders in the world, with a capacity for innovation that has taken the sector in a new direction, with varieties adapted to the production areas and the needs of the markets, and with flavour as the most important quality. "This commitment to research by PSB Producción Vegetal has revolutionized fruit growing with the introduction of a wide range of varieties, which has been key to the survival of many crops," says Rosa Hernandorena, Sales and Export Director of Viveros Hernandorena.
Rosa Hernandorena points to two significant milestones in the development of the stone fruit sector that help us better understand the situation today. The first one took place in 2014, when the Russian veto had a negative impact on the export of Spanish fruit and vegetables in general, but especially on stone fruit, leading to a reduction in the number of operators and the survival of only the highest quality varieties intended for very demanding markets. The second milestone, in 2020, was when the pandemic boosted fruit consumption as a healthy food.
In these two moments, the commercial relationship between Viveros Hernandorena and PSB Producción Vegetal, which started about 20 years ago, was decisive and brought them to a position of leadership.
Joint growthFor Viveros Hernandorena, working hand in hand with PSB has been crucial, contributing decisively to its specialization in stone fruit. "PSB is one of the best hybridisers in the world today. It is making huge investments in the development of varieties of the highest quality, with the right hardiness and colour. While other breeders were introducing 1,000 hybrids, they already had 100,000. The magnitude of their work in innovation and research far exceeds that of other public and private research centres. It is the partner that has allowed us to make the leap to specialization and which has positioned Spain and its growing production at the core of European fruit growing," says Rosa Hernandorena.
This fruitful partnership has allowed Viveros Hernandorena to offer a wide range of high quality stone fruit plants with great resistance and productivity. Currently, the nursery produces 800,000 plants; out of that, 200,000 are stone fruit, with 80% being PSB varieties. Its volumes have continued to increase steadily, and its production cycle has been extended throughout the year, making it possible to reach new markets and strengthen its position as an exporter.
Flavour, the main objective
Viveros Hernandorena and PSB are currently collaborating in the development and commercial launch of new varieties of top quality stone fruit (platerina, peach, flat peach, nectarine and plum), all of which are in great demand in the market. In the case of the platerina, PSB's new varieties are tastier, firmer, with higher productivity in the field and more quality guarantees for the consumer. "This focus on the fruit's flavour and firmness has been driven by the research carried out by PSB," says Rosa Hernandorena, who is particularly excited about this new range of PSB platerinas.
The Sales Director also highlighted the latest research carried out with rootstocks, especially in apricots, with an Italian Mirared rootstock appearing to offer massive potential, "opening up a world of possibilities and becoming a complementary option to current crops."
"We at Hernandorena thank PSB Producción Vegetal for trusting us as a reliable nursery committed to the quality and care of their varieties," says Rosa Hernandorena.
Mutual support and recognition
Along the same lines, PSB Producción Vegetal has acknowledged Viveros Hernandorena's professionalism and production capacity and guaranteed a constant supply of quality plants throughout the year. "Through effort, perseverance and professionalism, Viveros Hernandorena has succeeded in adapting to the market's demands and has gained a very significant share, marketing 25% of PSB plants across Spain," says Stéphane Buffat, director of PSB Producción Vegetal.
At the moment, the demand in the stone fruit sector remains at moderate levels, with a trend towards renewal and specialization in higher quality varieties. And in this context, Viveros Hernandorena and PSB Producción Vegetal have stayed at the forefront of innovation and professionalization, contributing to the sustainable and competitive development of the fruit growing sector.
For more information:
Hernandorena Nurseries
Tel.: +34 96 253 26 81
[email protected]