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A closer look at the Southern Africa Conference 2024

The International Fresh Produce Association's Southern Africa Conference will take place from 5 to 6 August 2024 at the Century City Conference Centre in Cape Town.

This year's conference is designed for delegates to not only hear from guest speakers and industry leaders about the issues impacting their bottom line and future growth but also to spark dialogue among participants, and share insights with one another and with the IFPA.

The conference is an opportunity to share global insights with the fresh produce industry in Southern Africa.

The program will feature topics such as:

  • State of the Industry: Hear from IFPA's chief membership officer, Miriam Wolk, on the state of the industry and what it means to the fresh produce industry in Southern Africa.
  • Geopolitical Issues: It is no secret that the world is volatile right now. This session will offer a comprehensive overview of the geopolitical landscape following elections in South Africa and key trade partner nations around the world, and the implications for the fresh produce industry.
  • Port Privatization: Dive into the ramifications of port privatization and its effects on export processes, efficiencies, and the industry's competitiveness on the global stage.
  • Market Dynamics: A panel of major retailers and importers from key Southern Africa export markets will share insights on consumer trends and supply chains, the impact on producers, and what those in the industry need to know to successfully get products to market.

The conference will kick off with an opening reception on the evening of 5 August and include the Women's Fresh Perspectives Breakfast on the morning of 6 August.

"IFPA seeks to serve its members and the greater supply chain to provide value 365 days a year," said Wolk. "Our annual Southern Africa Conference is a unique opportunity for us, as an international, member-driven association, to share global insights with the fresh produce industry in Southern Africa, and to listen and learn from them as to how to best serve their interests in both the domestic and export markets."

"We welcome industry members from across the supply chain and engage them like never before in a dialogue that will help shape our priorities for the year ahead," said Jane Strijdom, IFPA country manager, Southern Africa. "Our program is uniquely designed to do just that—there is something for everyone here, with a particular focus on producers who are eager to learn about and engage in discussion about retail export markets, transportation and logistics, and how elections here in South Africa and our key export markets will impact our industry and member businesses."

For more information:
Jane Strijdom
Country Manager for IFPA SA
Tel: +27 72 619 6611
[email protected]

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