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ThroughPut.AI and Inteligistics

Strategic partnership to transform agriculture and fresh produce supply chains announced

ThroughPut Inc., the industrial AI supply chain Decision Intelligence company, and Inteligistics, a prominent digital visibility solutions provider for perishable supply chains, have announced a strategic technology alliance to accelerate profitability for the sales of perishable goods. This area is typically plagued by volatile prices and volumes, poor predictions, limited supply chain visibility, and excessive product spoilage. This leads to high rejection and discount rates, and avoidable lost margins.

ThroughPut.AI, in collaboration with Inteligistics, will enable growers, suppliers, carriers, distributors, and retailers to improve the efficiency of their supply and cold chain operations, thus ensuring that all fresh products – ranging from berries and vegetables to fish and meat – is sold profitably on-time and in-full for faster, fresher and safer delivery with full supply chain visibility.

Mutual customers introduced ThroughPut.AI and Inteligistics as complementary partners due to ThroughPut.AI's patented, Gartner-ranked comprehensive Supply Chain Analytics & Decision Intelligence software, with Inteligistics' industry-leading expertise in supply chain performance, productivity, and sustainability, where both have yielded high-value outcomes for customers, their consumers, and owner-investors across the globe. The two companies also share a common goal of minimizing waste, shrink, unfilled orders, and lost sales.

"We're delighted to partner with Inteligistics as we look to expand our capabilities for our clients in the critical Food and Agricultural industry. Food and AG supply chains suffer from siloed legacy point solutions that don't address today's supply chain networks' complexity and volatility. To overcome these modern Food and AG supply chain challenges, already existing but disparate data must be tapped into, stitched together, analyzed, visualized, and optimized with Industrial-grade AI for actionable recommendations and better results," explained Seth Page, COO and Head of Strategic Partnerships of ThroughPut Inc. "By partnering with Inteligistics, we can provide customers with our unprecedented supply chain visibility, actionability, predictions and recommendations into customers' cold chain operations as part of their larger end-to-end supply chain networks. This allows customers to leverage data at every step of the way to make the right produce available at the right place, at the right time, to the right customer, at the best price, in the correct quantities, and in the safest traceable manner possible."

"Our partnership with ThroughPut.AI will empower agricultural producers, and buyers to leverage data for timely, intelligent decision-making, while accelerating margins," said Rao Mandava, CEO and Chairman at Inteligistics. "Our customers will now have a unified common operating picture for a single source of truth for all their perishable inventory, enabling them to reduce risk, increase safety, and unlock new growth opportunities. The data is also available for our recently unveiled 1-Click FSMA 204 Traceability reporting solutions."

For more information:
Tina Jacobs
ThroughPut Inc.
Email: [email protected]

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