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Chinese exporter on 20 year journey offering produce to Europe and Middle Eastern markets

Onedayone, large exporters of Chinese fruits and vegetables, announced the company's 20th anniversary celebration. Themed "Grateful for our journey together, collaborating towards a bright future," the anniversary celebration takes place in Yantai, Shandong province, China, home to the Onedayone Group.

It serves as a poignant reflection on Onedayone's evolution from its humble origins to today. Drawing together employees, partners, and stakeholders from across China, the event commemorates this significant milestone while fostering an atmosphere of optimism and anticipation for the future.

Xue Lei, Assistant CEO, remarked, "Reaching this historic milestone fills us with immense pride. Our journey from inception to now has been marked by challenges and triumphs alike, shaping us into the company we are today. Our growth is a testament to the dedication and resilience of every individual involved. In a rapidly changing environment, maintaining enduring business relationships and a motivated workforce presents ongoing challenges. However, we cultivated steadfast partnerships that endure the test of time. Our commitment to long-term partnerships has been key in achieving this. We prioritize trust, reliability, and mutual benefit, allowing us to sustain these valuable connections over time."

Gathering over 50 suppliers and partners, comprising approximately 200 attendees, the event notably includes participants with over a decade of collaborative history. "Our partnership has weathered various business cycles, underscoring the importance of shared values and sustainability in our endeavours," remarked one participant.

Capitalizing on China's progressive market openness, Onedayone has successfully introduced Chinese produce to the Middle Eastern and European markets. This achievement owes much to the steadfast support of partners and employees alike. With their continued backing and collaborative spirit, Onedayone is poised to further enhance lives through its consciously sourced produce.

For more information:
Maggie Peng
Tel: +86 187 17865462
[email protected]

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