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Huntapac expands its farming operations in the UK

Huntapac has broadened its collaboration with Bradford Estates by securing farmland to cultivate parsnips for major supermarket chains in the UK. Initially, Huntapac secured a commercial lease at Woodside Farm near Shifnal for its regional operations along the Shropshire-Staffordshire border and is now extending into farming on the historic estates.

The company, known for growing carrots and parsnips, has obtained a cropping license within Bradford Farming's sustainable arable rotation, utilizing high-quality, irrigated land. This expansion will enable Huntapac to augment its root vegetable production in the West Midlands, reinforcing its position as a leading producer in the UK.

Ben Madarasi, Farm Director at Huntapac, expressed enthusiasm about deepening the partnership with Bradford Estates, highlighting the strategic benefit for future growth. Andrew Barrett, Bradford Estates Asset Management Director, also noted the positive aspects of expanding their partnership with Huntapac, emphasizing the mutual benefits of direct land and property management.


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