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New lead sustainability & compliance manager for J&C Tropicals

J&C Tropicals has brought on Alexina Prather as its new sustainability & compliance manager. This demonstrates that the company understands sustainability and compliance in agriculture not only impacts the environment but affects every person and business within the food supply chain.

"Over the last three years we have invested heavily to better understand, prepare, and position ourselves as a leader in sustainability. We owe that to ourselves, partners, suppliers, and farmers. Alexina embodies our commitment to vertical tropical excellence. She brings the experience and foresight our senior leadership team believes will catapult us into the future," said Jessie Capote, CEO.

Alexina Prather.

Prather brings over five years of sustainability practices and executional experience to the Miami-based and family-owned tropical produce grower & distributor. A graduate of the University of Miami, she has a Masters degree in Sustainable Business and a Bachelor's degree in Social Entrepreneurship from Northeastern University. Prather recognizes that European markets are driving the conversation when it comes to regulation. However, younger generations and U.S.-based consumers are demanding ethically grown produce and information on sustainable business practices.

"We are engaging in carbon footprint reduction, increasing transparency across the produce supply chain and fair-trade employment. We've been heavily involved with Walmart's Project Gigaton to reduce waste and plastic footprints while protecting the environment. Hiring Alexina galvanizes our commitment to quality, consistency, and variety," said Adrian Capote, VP of sales.

Prather's responsibilities include elevating J&C Tropicals' food safety program and educating suppliers to be in social compliance while supporting them to attain higher-level certifications in organic farming and fair trade practices. Prather will also focus on implementing programs to reduce environmental impact, divert food waste, and increase sustainable packaging. "My goal is to ensure our global supply chain is supported in staying compliant while also uplifting the business," said Prather.

Prather will report directly to Salvador Fernandez, VP of operations.

"Investing in sustainability and compliance from farming practices to packaging solutions unlocks value, revenue growth, and cost savings along the entire food and agriculture value chain. We have had an intimate relationship with farmers since 1965 and this represents the next great chapter in our commitment to delivering tropical produce and experiences to the world," said Fernandez.

Before J&C Tropicals, Prather directed a program that supported minority and women-owned small business owners in Miami-Dade County to apply for federal funding and access additional forms of support. She also worked for One Acre Fund, a non-profit social enterprise based in East Africa focused on helping smallholder farmers get asset-based loans. On the weekends, Prather can be found composting and hosting clothing swaps to help reduce the local carbon footprint.

For more information
J&C Tropicals
Tel: +1 (305) 255-5100
[email protected]

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