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Ecomeccanica's contribution to farmers in the Sele Valley

Vegetable producers have a new ally in the fresh-cut sector

The patented harvesters produced by Italian machinery manufacturer Dari Ecomeccanica represent a valuable innovation for producers in the fresh-cut sector. These harvesters offer several benefits, both in terms of technical improvements and financial savings, as they reduce the need for manual labor, while increasing harvesting efficiency.

Dari Ecomeccanica is headquartered in Eboli, in the province of Salerno. The company's strategic location in the fertile Sele Valley has provided it with a unique insight into the challenges and opportunities of the agricultural market. This positioning allows it to collaborate closely with local producers, developing innovative solutions to enhance their productivity and competitiveness.

Dari Ecomeccanica's close connection with local agriculture is at the heart of the company's mission. Dari is committed to providing cutting-edge, area-specific solutions, thereby contributing to the growth of the local agriculture industry.

"Eco Clean is a self-propelled trimming machine used to remove grass residues, according to Francesco Roselli of Dari Ecomeccanica. "The design has been optimized to minimize both the environmental impact and the operational expenses associated with its use. Thanks to its latest-generation endothermic engine and compact, functional design, this machine represents a significant improvement in the tillage and harvesting of fruit and vegetables in the fresh-cut sector. Its compact design and advanced technology ensure high efficiency and versatility."

Roselli continues, "Ell-e stands out for its sustainability in vegetable harvesting operations. Its all-electric drive makes it environmentally friendly and offers high performance, energy efficiency and ease of use. Its operational flexibility and ability to work both in greenhouses and in the open field make it suitable for different working conditions."

"In conclusion, both Dari Ecomeccanica's Eco Clean and Ell-e represent significant innovations in the agricultural sector." The advanced technology and focus on sustainability employed by both the Eco Clean and Ell-e result in improvements in efficiency and quality within the production process, thereby promoting greater sustainability in the agricultural sector."

The company Dari Ecomeccanica offers a variety of machinery for harvesting and sorting agricultural produce. Its product range includes machines for harvesting baby leaf crops, aromatic plants, valerian, salad heads, and bunched crops. It also manufactures trimming machines and mobile and fixed-position sorting machines. The patented machines produced by Dari Ecomeccanica have been developed in accordance with the company's mission, which is to provide innovative technologies for horticulture. The products are designed to have a minimal impact on the environment, and they emit low levels of CO2 and other pollutants.

For further information, please refer to the company's YouTube channel.

Images provided by Dari Ecomeccanica.

For more information:
Dari Ecomeccanica Srl
SS 18 Km 77 -Viale Corno D'Oro
84025 Eboli (SA) – Italy
Tel.: +39 0828 301068
Email. [email protected]

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