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Bhutan's orange industry is a blend of success and challenges

In Bhutan, the mandarin orange, particularly the Chatuki variety, has been a cornerstone of agricultural success, contributing significantly to the economy with exports reaching $10 million in 2014. This variety, known for its vibrant color, thin skin, and balanced sweet-tart flavor, enjoys popularity both domestically and internationally. However, the industry faces significant challenges, including the threat of Huanglongbing (citrus greening disease) and the impacts of climate change, which have hindered growth despite modern agricultural practices.

Efforts to combat these issues include the development of disease-resistant varieties and improved farming techniques. Recent data shows a slight uptick in production, indicating potential recovery. Bhutan's focus on exporting to neighboring countries like Bangladesh and India underscores the industry's resilience and potential for future success. The ongoing battle against disease and climate change, coupled with the enduring appeal of the Chatuki orange, underscores the dynamic nature of Bhutan's citrus sector.


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