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Nagpur oranges are flooding Hyderabad markets

A bumper crop of the famed Nagpur oranges is flooding Hyderabad’s markets this season; the fruit is being sold at a lower price compared to previous years. This season, 491 trucks carrying the fruit from different districts of Maharashtra arrived at the Batasingaram market. Several dozen trucks also arrived at the Maozamjahi and Gudimalkapur markets.

The citrus fruit is grown in the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra and farmers there have reported a bumper crop. “The average price per 100 kgs is Rs 1,000. During the corresponding period last year, it was Rs 1,750,” said Batasingaram Fruit Market secretary Ch Narsimha Reddy.

Due to huge supplies at the market, the fruit is reaching retailers in large quantities. “We are doing business at minimum profits to sell more quantity and earn money,” said a fruit trader at Afzalgunj.

[ Rs 100 = €1.10 ]


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