As per India Meteorological Data (IMD), there could be gradual decline in the minimum temperature over the next one week in Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar. The minimum temperature could reach 15 degrees Celsius by November 25, a statement from the Met department said.
However, in the past weeks, temperatures in the city and other parts of the region hovered above the normal range, causing a definite lack of ‘winter chill’. Farmers' leader Jayaji Suryawanshi said absence of winter chill has affected wheat among other crops: "Wheat farming requires winter chill and current weather conditions are hampering the crop. Pigeon pea crops nearing the harvest phase have become vulnerable to different infestations. The region also has a grape cultivation belt. Grape growers are having sleepless nights due to the erratic weather conditions," he said.
The flowering phase of mangoes is also expected to take a hit due to the lack of proper winter conditions and this may impact the yield from Marathwada —known for the cultivation of the kesar variety.