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Agri bureau Philippines assures stable supply of onions until December

The Bureau of Plant Industry of the Filipino Department of Agriculture has assured the public of enough supply and stable prices of onions until the Christmas season. BPI Director Glenn Panganiban gave the assurance during a hearing of the House Committee on Agriculture and Food.

The price of onions skyrocketed to over P700 a kilo in some public markets in Metro Manila during the holiday season last year; some industry groups said this was due to the DA's poor planning.

Responding to lawmakers, Panganiban said that as of now, the country has 1 month's worth of supply of white onions while it has more than 100 days supply of red onions. Later on, Panganiban told lawmakers that the price of white onion would range from P110 to P160 per kilo, while red onions would be priced from P140 to P170 per kilo.

[ P10 = €0.16 ]


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