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Dutch packer uses Production Efficiency Control System

In 2019, the Austrian software producer activeIT implemented its production control software, then called traceNET-Production, in the Dutch fresh food center, Fresh Park Venlo. After a project pause and under a new name, the matter has regained momentum.

Erik van Maren, Director of Pakstation Venlo B.V., Project Manager Sebastian Kamps, and Christopher Immervoll, PECS Consultant at activeIT, summarise the outcomes of the project.

Van Maren: "We have a good team, and we are very satisfied with the time tracking, which runs excellently. As for planning, we cannot yet say if it works well. Unfortunately, in this area, we are not fully utilizing all the capabilities that PECS has to offer, which is due to our internal processes. Sad but true – we are currently still doing the planning in Excel, and then the data is transferred to PECS. In the future, however, we will definitely plan with PECS."

S. Kamps: "Of course, a transition is never easy. Especially for our long-standing employees, it is challenging to adapt to the new system as they have been working differently throughout their careers. In general, when it comes to employee feedback, we need to differentiate between different areas."

Read the full case study.

For more information:
activeIT Software & Consulting GmbH
Tel: +43 316 23 12 01
Email: [email protected]

Pakstation Venlo

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