Thai farmers who’ve enjoyed a virtual monopoly in exporting fresh durians to China are now concerned about Vietnam entering the market. They fear the latter’s proximity to the Asian giant will generate several advantages.
When Vietnam’s first batch of fresh durian was exported to China in September, Thai durian grower Busaba Nakpipat said she was concerned about heightened competition in a market that Thailand has dominated for decades: "Thailand used to be the only country allowed to export fresh durians to China, while Vietnam used to export processed durian. But now, Vietnam is our competitor and it worries me."
During a trip to Vietnam in September, she saw an increasing number of durian orchards and found there was large potential in the country to further expand cultivation of the special fruit. Vietnam has been exporting processed durian to China for years, but now that the export of fresh durian to the world’s largest consumer market has been approved, local farmers see a great opportunity to make bigger profits.
China has approved exports of fresh durian from nearly 3,000 hectares in Vietnam.