The prices of vegetables rose quite a lot in the last few days, since the start of Karthika Masam. A kilo of brinjal was sold at Rs 56 on Saturday against Rs 44 a fortnight ago. The prices of many vegetables that usually have high demand in this season increased by at least Rs 5 to Rs 13 per kilo.
The cost of spine gourd increased from Rs 68 to Rs 76 per kilo, Carrot Rs 50 to Rs 62 per kilo, lady finger Rs 16 to Rs 22, and bitter gourd from Rs 32 to 40 per kilo. Such rise in prices is normal during the month of Kartika. Many non-vegetarians prefer to go fully vegetarian during this season on devotional grounds and to participate in the appropriate rituals.
Along with this, the continuous rains in October have damaged the vegetable crops which lead to a decrease in yield and an increase in the costs of vegetables.
[ Rs100 = €1.20 ]