The market for small chili peppers has steadily weakened in the last few days. Buyers put pressure on the price and the number of buyers grows smaller. Overall market demand is growing weaker and the trade volume is shrinking. The price goes up and down. The trade in large chili peppers in Inner Mongolia flourished in the first half of the week. Visiting traders were eager to buy. Trade was swift and the trade volume large. However, snow began to fall in the middle of the week. Transport became more difficult and supply therefore more limited. The enthusiasm of visiting traders remained high, so the price slightly increased.
At the same time, the remaining supply from production areas in Korla, Xinjiang, is limited. Visiting traders are eager to buy. They are particularly interested in Tieban peppers. Trade in Tieban peppers goes fast and the price is stable. The supply period of straight peppers is coming to an end. There is very little supply left. Some processing factories who have not secured sufficient supply are still looking to buy, and so the price of straight peppers is rising slightly.