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Why did you decide to visit the China International Import Expo?

The China International Import Expo finished more than a month ago, but it is worth looking back at some of the highlights and visitor responses. This year the exposition took place from November 5th until 10th. Various foreign media and domestic media reported on the exposition. FreshPlaza spoke with representatives of many different companies that participated in this exposition. They were unanimously pleased with the numbers of visitors who came to their stands. We spoke with people who visited a great number of stands at the exposition.

Hu Yujiao in front of the exposition hall

Hu Yujiao, who came to the exposition, spoke of her experience: We came to this exposition for the wide variety of top-quality products from all over the world. Through the exposition we learn about the latest and best products, and we study how to improve our own position. I paid particular attention to the process of development and the direction of new product development in many international companies.

When asked about the overall impression, Hu answered: "At the end of this exposition I can say with confidence that I am satisfied. The China International Import Exposition is worth a visit. The participating companies come from all over the world. There are exposition halls for different countries. The visiting companies are all from China. The exposition follows international standards of organisation. The decoration was also appropriate and created an elegant atmosphere."

Hu Yujiao at the exposition

"Yang Ling Agricultural Science is a global supply chain of top-quality agricultural products and China's only vertical, B2B global supply chain. We have successfully established overseas "peer 2 peer" client resources, precise matchmaking mechanisms, and innovative integrated online and offline transformation mechanisms in 86 countries, with 138 international agricultural trade organizations, and more than 20 million international purchasing traders of agricultural products. The China Yang Ling Agriculture Science Import & Export platform is part of our company, as are Yang Ling Agricultural Science Agricultural Products Overseas Cold Storage Delivery, and Yang Ling Agricultural Science One Belt One Road Agricultural Products Overseas Exposition and Administration Link-up Organization, etc."

Contact person: Hu Yujiao

CAIE//Yang Ling Agricultural Science Top-Quality Agricultural Products Global Supply Chain

E-mail address: [email protected]  

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