Much of the production in Taizhou is devoted to greenhouse strawberries. The seeds are sown in mid-summer and the strawberries are harvested in early winter. Some greenhouse farmers have already begun to harvest and have brought their strawberries to market. The appearance of strawberries on the market is slightly earlier this year than it was last year, and the price of some varieties is higher than last year. However, the overall market conditions are quite stable. The current retail price is between 40 and 70 yuan [5.76-10.08 USD] per 0.5 kg, depending on product variety and retail channel. Some traders say that strawberries have not yet entered the market in bulk and the price is not yet ideal. The product quality is also somewhat inferior. In one or two months the strawberries will reach their full potential and the price will be more reasonable.
Source: China Taizhou Online - Taizhou Daily