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Drought impacts Thailand's durian production

Assoc Prof Dr Aat Pisanwanich, from Intelligent Research Consultancy Co Ltd, highlighted the severe effects of drought on Thailand's durian exports. The country, which saw durian become its leading export crop with a value of 140 billion baht last year, is facing significant challenges due to lack of rainfall.

This situation could reduce Thailand's durian production by 53% over the next five years to approximately 640,000 tons, with this year's output expected to decrease by 42% to around 540,000 tons. In contrast, Vietnam has shown a remarkable increase in durian production, with a 200% increase over the past decade, reaching 800,000 tons last year.

Vietnamese exports
Vietnam's exports to China in the first quarter of this year amounted to 36,800 tons, surpassing Thailand's 17,900 tons. It is projected that Vietnam will export 500,000 tons of durian to China this year, while Thailand's exports may decline to 800,000 tons, nearly 200,000 tons less than the previous year. Dr. Aat emphasizes the need for Thailand to address the drought issue to mitigate these impacts.


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