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Lisa Niklas from Uwe Niklas Ltd at the start of the chanterelle season

"Good demand for the first Balkan chanterelles"

With the first arrivals of goods from Serbia and Bulgaria, this year's chanterelle season has officially begun. "The quality is currently very good. The produce is small to medium-sized. It's impossible to forecast the quantity for a wild-grown product as the situation can change daily. If it becomes very warm for a few days without rain, the growth immediately stagnates. Many traders start with chanterelles only after the asparagus season ends, but the demand is good at the start," reports Lisa Niklas from the company of the same name based in Roding-Neubäu, Bavaria.

The first chanterelles of this season.

For wholesalers in particular, Uwe Niklas Ltd offers an exclusive selection of small and kitchen-ready chanterelles, as well as unsorted goods in 3.0 kg or 1.0 kg packages from the Balkan countries. For retail, the chanterelles are available in various assortments, also in trays of 150 g or 400 g. "With their intense aroma and unique texture, these chanterelles are perfect for a variety of dishes, from pasta and risotto to hearty sauces. Their culinary versatility makes them an indispensable component of the summer," says Mrs. Niklas.

Lisa Niklas at this year's Fruit Logistica.

In parallel with the start of the chanterelle season, the company also kicks off the wild asparagus season. "The wild asparagus, originating from France, is easy to prepare as, unlike our familiar white asparagus, it does not need to be peeled. It is simply washed briefly, and the stem ends are cut off. The marketing window for wild asparagus is relatively short, about six to eight weeks. Depending on the weather, it is generally available until mid-June."

Right: French wild asparagus

With an eye on inflation and declining buying enthusiasm, an exciting season is anticipated. "So far, we cannot make any predictions, as the buying enthusiasm is not only very price-dependent but also quantity-dependent with chanterelles. However, we notice that chanterelles, especially in gastronomy, hold a high value and are an integral part of the summer menu. Therefore, we hope for a good harvest and are looking forward to the season quite positively."

Images: Uwe Niklas GmbH

For more information:
Lisa Niklas
Uwe Niklas GmbH - Bavarian Mushrooms & Wild Fruits
Einsiedlerweg 60
93426 Roding-Neubäu
Phone: 09469 940425
Fax: 09469 940413
Email: [email protected]

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