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Sector | Herbs

Stephen McCormack - McCormack Family Farms

"We were able to plant each week giving us a consistent supply, so maybe there is no harm in going a little later"

FDA and CDC are investigating Salmonella outbreak linked to fresh basil

"True authentic Japanese wasabi history and culture from local producers could be just around the corner"

Moroccan rosemary supply hit by drought

Infinite Herbs-brand organic basil sold at Trader Joe’s stores

Organic basil: Outbreak investigation of Salmonella

Stephen McCormack - McCormack Family Farms:

"A wrong decision for the sake of just getting crop in the fields could end up a very costly mistake"

Younger consumers turning more to fresh organic herbs

Louis and Steven Lauwers, Vegobel:

"Harvest herbs, plugs, as a new local and organic herb concept"