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April rains unevenly affected Lleida's cherry crops

The recent rains in Lleida have had various effects on the different productions in the province. For some cereal producers, the rains at the end of April were a relief. However, for cherry producers, such as Josep Antoni Camats from Corbins, they were a serious problem. The intense rainfall, up to 50 liters per square meter, caused the fruit to crack, affecting between 70 and 85% of four varieties planted by Camats, which translates into a loss of 30 to 35% of his total harvest.

After a visit from an Agroseguro expert, the producer said there wasn't much hope of compensation due to the characteristics of the cherry insurance, which calculates damages throughout the farm and not by plots or varieties. It's an insurance that only covers major disasters, he added.

Despite the weather complications, some producers in Lleida are managing to place quality cherries in the market. Francesc Pena, a producer from Seròs, said he experienced a 20 to 25% decrease in production, depending on the variety. Despite facing setting issues and the consequences of the rains, Pena is harvesting good quality cherries, suitable for export. However, he estimates that only 60 to 65% of the fruit will reach the first quality category.

Prices have been favorable so far. However, competition from other producing areas -such as Huesca or Cáceres- could influence future prices. According to Mercabarna, cherry prices peaked at 15 euros per kilo yesterday. The most common price, however, is 8 euros per kilo.


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