Organic citrus supply is strong right now. "We're at the heart of the season for the next 90 days–we're going on all cylinders on all categories," says Craig Morris, citrus category director for Homegrown Organic Farms
Homegrown Organic Farms is in production with Blood oranges right now, along with other varieties of citrus.
Those citrus categories include Blood oranges, Cara Caras, grapefruit, lemons, mandarins, Navel oranges, and Pomelos. Next month, it will start with Minneolas and Gold Nuggets as well. "From a volume perspective, we're probably down about 10 percent this year overall and that's primarily because our size structure is down about ½ to a full size on most commodities. So there are overall boxes lost because of that," says Morris, adding that this is because it's been a relatively dry season so far. "Normally, we have a better range of sizes and we're hoping to make up some ground because we're a long way from being done."
Week later start
This year also saw a slightly later start on organic citrus by about a week, though shipping is on target. While citrus supply runs year-round, the "normal" season starts approximately November 1 and goes through June 1, accounting for 90 percent of Homegrown Organic's citrus season.
Harvesting on Gold Nuggets will begin next month.
As for demand, it has been steady in organic citrus. "It feels about the same as last year if not maybe a five to 10 percent bump in overall demand," says Morris.
This is leaving pricing overall down about five to 10 percent because there isn't as large a size structure–larger fruit often commands premium pricing. "So on the sizes we do have, pricing is right in line with last year," he says.
Looking ahead, Morris sees a steady flow of fruit. "We don't have a lot of peaks and valleys and if there are any, they're generally weather-related," he says.
For more information:
Elise Smith
Homegrown Organic Farms
Tel.: (+1) 559-306-1777
[email protected]