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Australia’s fresh produce industry en route to Vietnam to celebrate growing trade

A delegation of Australia's largest fruit and vegetable producers is traveling to Vietnam to celebrate the thriving two-way trading relationship between Australia and Vietnam with local industry.

In 2022, the value of Australian horticulture exports to Vietnam surged to $137 million. This substantial increase moved Vietnam up to Australia's second-largest export market for fresh produce by value. This growth is the result of a sustained effort by both country's governments to deliver new and improved market access for fresh produce and, more broadly, grow two-way trade.

"The rapid growth in trade to Vietnam has been bolstered by recent new market access for Australian peaches and nectarines, with summer fruit exports now a $1.1 million market in only a few years. This builds on the success of the table grape and citrus industries, with exports to Vietnam valued at more than $83 million and $37 million, respectively," said Australian Fresh Produce Alliance CEO Claire McClelland.

To celebrate the growing trade between Australia and Vietnam, the Australian Fresh Produce Alliance (AFPA) will host the Vietnam-Australia Fresh Produce Networking Event in Hanoi. The event will bring together local Vietnamese industry representatives and stakeholders with their Australian counterparts to celebrate the existing trade and discuss new opportunities and areas for cooperation.

"Growing fresh produce trade is how we will continue to grow our industry, support job creation, promote regional development and innovation, and add more resilience to our local production. Vietnam is a dynamic market with immense potential for Australian fresh produce," said McClelland.

The AFPA delegation represents a cross-section of Australia's fresh produce industry, including representatives from Australia's apple and pear, berries, summer fruit, and table grape peak industry bodies.
While in Vietnam, the delegation will immerse themselves in the local market by visiting Vietnamese wholesale markets and retail stores, and engaging with local industry representatives. This hands-on approach will provide valuable insights into Vietnam's unique market and consumer preferences.

"The wide range of industries traveling to Vietnam demonstrates the potential to grow fresh produce trade from Australia. We are optimistic about new market access for Australian produce into Vietnam and the opportunities that this would create for Australian growers," said McClelland.

The delegation has been supported by Austrade and the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry, demonstrating the importance of a government approach and engagement with industry in supporting improved trade outcomes.

"We have been grateful for the government's assistance across both Austrade and the Department of Agriculture in arranging parts of this mission. We look forward to continuing to work closely with government and relevant ministers to improve fresh produce trade from Australia to Vietnam and a range of other key export markets," said McClelland.

Berries participation
Berries Australia Executive Director said the opportunity for Australian blueberries was significant as they can provide premium fruit counter seasonally to existing suppliers such as the US and NZ.

“Vietnam is a young market for blueberries but like consumers all over the world, Vietnamese consumers are embracing the amazing health benefits and becoming discerning blueberry consumers,” Ms Mackenzie said.

Australian Blueberry Growers Association (ABGA) Deputy Chair and manager of the Costa Berry division Christian Parsons said the delegation was an excellent opportunity to build the profile of Australian blueberries which are considered the best in the world.

A visit to retail outlets and the market highlighted the size of the opportunity for Australian berries which can be air-freighted to Vietnam and are more premium than most of the currently available options,” Mr Parsons said.

The Australian blueberry industry is a domestic success story but with only 2% of produce exported the Vietnamese opportunity will be a game changer for the industry.

“We are hoping to emulate the success of the table grape and citrus industries whose trade with Vietnam is now worth $83millIon and $37million respectively,” Mr Parson said.

Berries Australia would like to thank the Australian Fresh Produce Alliance for co-ordinating the trade delegation and was excited to be there with industry counterparts from other commodities.

For more information:
Claire McClelland
Tel: +61 0400 158 193
Email: [email protected]

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