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Growers confident, stone fruit supply eases

Australia: High-quality stone fruit will be available this Christmas

Australian high-quality stone fruit will be available this Christmas. Growers are confident consumers will see an increased supply of high-quality, sweet tasting fruit over the holiday season. However, this increased confidence comes after a difficult start to the growing season, where widespread floods threatened the supply of peaches, nectarines, plums, and apricots.

According to Summerfruit Australia CEO Trevor Ranford the situation has improved in time for Christmas, and credits farmers for their resilience as this year’s extreme weather conditions created production challenges.

“Despite difficulties, growers have been working tirelessly to supply Aussies with sweet tasting fruit to enjoy over Christmas and the holiday season. Farmers believe the worst of the weather impacts are behind them, and want to reassure Australians that the situation will only continue to improve as temperatures rise as Summer sets in,” Trevor Ranford said.


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